لفظی ترجمہ قرآن (2 جلد - ڈاکٹر فرحت ہاشمی)
Lafzi Tarjuma Quran (2 Volume - Dr. Farhat Hashmi)
Rs. 4700/-
- Product Code
- ALH-7349128410
- Category
- Quran
- Publisher
- Alhuda International
- Publish Date:
- July 12, 2018
- Availability
- In stock
- Author
- Dr. Farhat Hashmi ڈاکٹر فرحت ہاشمی
This Quran is translated into Urdu by a well-known Islamic scholar `Dr. Farhat Hashmi`. The Lafzi Tarjuma (Word by Word Translation) is provided by Dr. Farhat Hashmi and published by `Al-Huda International`, a well-known authentic institute for publishing Islamic books. The complete Quran is in 2 volumes and available at the online store of Darul Andlus. Order now to get it on your doorstep.
More Details
- PDF:
- Not Available
- Language:
- Urdu
- Book Pages:
- N/A
- Book Size:
- 17x24
- Genre:
- Quran
- Weight (KG):
- 3.1
- Color:
- 1 color