تفسیر احسن البیان (گفٹ پیک - شادی گفٹ)
Tafseer Ahsan Ul Bayan (Gift pack)
Rs. 6200/-
Rs. 5999/-
- Product Code
- TAB-G1F7P4C13
- Category
- Tafseer
- Publisher
- Darussalam Publishers دارالسلام
- Publish Date:
- March 11, 2016
- Availability
- In stock
- Author
- Hafiz Salah-ud-Din Yousaf حافظ صلاح الدین یوسف
This is the Tafseer of the Glorious Qur’an in a beautiful gift packing which is brief in form but comprehensive in the interpretation of the meanings of the Quran enlightened with the thoughts, viewpoints, creed, and perception of Salaf Saliheen, and a humble effort to understand the Qur’an in the light of the authentic Ahadith of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) and the sense of the Sahabah (May Allah be pleased with them all).
More Details
- PDF:
- Not Available
- Language:
- Urdu
- Book Pages:
- 400+
- Book Size:
- 17x24
- Genre:
- Tafseer
- Weight (KG):
- 2.9
- Color:
- 2 color